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Caesarean Delivery

Home  /  Caesarean Delivery

Maternity – C-Section

Caesarean delivery also known as a C-section is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through an incision in the mother’s abdomen and a second incision in the mother’s uterus. At Sneh Hospital gynaecologist would plan a caesarean delivery ahead of time if you develop pregnancy complications or you’ve had a previous caesarean delivery. Gynaecologists at Sneh Hospital will always counsel you before the delivery to make you feel comfortable and help you take a decision which is in your best interest. Our gynaecologists at Sneh Hospital will guide you about the details of caesarean delivery.

Sometimes a C-section or Caesarean Delivery is safer for you or your baby than is a vaginal delivery. Our gynaecologist Manisha Garg at Sneh Hospital would advise you for a caesarean delivery if :

Your labor isn't progressing

Your baby is in an abnormal position

Your baby isn't getting enough oxygen

There's a problem with your placenta

You have a health concern

There's a problem with the umbilical cord

You're carrying twins, triplets or other multiples

Your baby has a health concern You've had a previous caesarean delivery

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