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Normal Delivery

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Maternity – Normal Delivery

Normal delivery is the birth of the baby through the vagina. It is the natural method of birth. A normal delivery is many times also termed as vaginal delivery. At Sneh Hospital, we promote normal delivery unless it gets imperative to do a C-section.

The Process

The Gynaecologist will evaluate you in the labor and delivery area and once it is certain that you are indeed in labor, you will be admitted to the hospital. While you are in labor, your cervix dilates progressively and the gynaecologist will examine the vitals of the baby at regular intervals. Once the cervix is dilated to an optimal extent, the gynaecologist will ask you to push the baby out. Your pushing, along with the force of your contractions, will propel your baby through the birth canal.

As soon as your baby’s head comes out, your doctor will suction amniotic fluid, blood, and mucus from his or her nose and mouth. You will continue to push to help deliver the baby’s shoulders and body. Once your baby is delivered, your doctor clamps and cuts the umbilical cord. After that you will also deliver the placenta, the organ that nourished your baby inside the womb.

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